Back of the bottle:
"Believe it or not, Dmitri Ivanabitch was strolling through the forests of Holland one spring day and stumbled into a patch of red berries. Scraped up and cut, he pulled out his flask of Ivanabitch Vodka and began cleaning his wounds. The fragrance of the berries mixed with his prize vodka was delightful. He rushed home with a pocketful of berries and began working on his next recipe- Red Berry Flavored Vodka.
Now, you can enjoy the clean, smooth, taste of award-winning Ivanabitch Vodka infused with the sweet taste of red berry just as Demetri did so many years ago. Stay tuned to see what bush he falls into next and until then-beware of bushes!!"
Wow! Seriously! Scary bushes... wait until you see the web site.